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Sep 2022 - A Community Comes Together


October 10, 2022

Fundraiser for Garfield Rescue, Inc.

On September 22, 2022, members of the community came together to support a fund raising event to benefit Garfield Rescue, Inc., which rescues cats in the Northern Neck. The event, called Wine and Whiskers, was held at Triple V Winery in Burgess. Funds raised will help defray the cost of rescuing the cat across the Northern Neck. Karen Peterson, former member of CBGC, was the chairman of the event.

Six members of the Chesapeake Bay Garden Club created the table center pieces. Susan Brandli, Rebecca Elston, Jerry Jenkins, Sharon Lemke, and Kathie Truxall brought plant material from their home gardens for creating the centerpieces. Cat tails were used in all the arrangements. To add a bit of whimsy, some of the arrangements were cleverly arranged in cat food bags. Below from left to right, Rebcca Elston, Sharon Stieber and Kathie Truxall are constructing centerpieces for the benefit.

The Triple V Winery is located on route 200, south of Burgess and provided wine for the event. Hors d oeuvres were provided by the Car Wash Café, and Paragon’s DJ provided music and entertainment. It was a fun affair and fine example of how a community can work together to benefit all who live there.


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