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Sep 2021 - CBGC General Meeting

Karen Luzuriaga

Updated: Dec 13, 2021

28 September 2021

Call to Order

Chesapeake Bay Garden Club (CBGC) had its first meeting for the 2021-2022 year. It was held on Tuesday, September 28th, at the Festival Halle in Reedville. Members brought their own lunch and joined other members to enjoy catching up with each other. Thirty-one out of forty-five members were in attendance, plus four guests. New CBGC yearbooks were distributed by the Membership committee.

Old Business

Business Meeting - Happy Birthday was sung to celebrate member birthdays in

September. The minutes of the April 2021 general meeting were emailed to all members. The Treasurer's report has been posted to the Members Area of the website.

Corresponding Secretary - Debbie Gwaltney reported on correspondence sent through September 27.

Commitee Reports

Membership - Club membership for this year is now 45, per Sandra Ehlert. Four guests attended the meeting.

Landscape Design - Debbie Gillespie announced an upcoming cleanup day to be held on October 16 at the Reedville Fishermen's Museum. Food will be served to participants.

President's Report

Sharon Lemke announced the discontinuation of our gardening library cart. Members were encouraged to take home any books of interest and provide a small donation to the club. The remaining books will be donated to the Northumberland Library's Ye Old Book Store in Heathsville.


Rebecca Elston presented several award ribbons for horticulture specimens submitted by members:

  • Pam Plumb 1 red

  • Debbie Gwaltney 4 blue

  • Sharon Lemke 1 blue, 1 red

  • Rebecca Elston 8 blue, 2 red, 1 white, and Best in Show

Floral Design

Kathie Truxall presented award ribbons for the Petite Design floral exhibits themed "Little By Little:"

  • Jerry Jenkins blue and Best in Show

  • Debbie Gwaltney red

  • Sharon Lemke red

  • Rebecca Elston red

  • Kathie Truxall white (honorable mention)

Program: "Make Your Own Terrarium" by Karen Luzuriaga

Our program workshop was presented by club member Karen Luzuriaga and began with a slide show on the fundamentals of making a terrarium. There are two types of terrariums -- closed or open. The type determines the plants one uses. A closed terrarium works best with tropical or some types of house plants. An open one better suits succulents, cacti, or air plants.

Terrarium containers can be plastic or glass and should be cleaned only with water. Layering can begin once the type is chosen. The bottom layer should be rocks, stones, or sand. Place a filter on top of the bottom layer. (A coffee filter works well.) Then add the charcoal and appropriate soil for your type of plants. Finally, you get to put your plants into the terrarium. It is best to water with a spray bottom so not to flood the terrarium. As a final touch, add colored sand, pretty rocks, sticks, pine cones, or little fairy statues.

Our club provided the materials needed to make the terrariums. Members enjoyed the hands-on event. Many lovely terrariums left Festival Halle that day.

The next meeting will be on Tuesday, October 26th, at noon in Festival Halle. Lunch will be served by the hostess committee. The guest speaker, Sheila Weisensale, will teach the art of pressing plant material.

Article contributed by Karen Luzuriaza and Tricia Mrzyglod. Photos by Debbie Gwaltney.


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