Tuesday, 26 March 2019
Hostess Team

Lunch was served at 12 noon by Patsy Sylvia, Head Hostess, assisted by Bobby Brogden, Carol Cole, Ethel Carpou, Rebecca Elston, Debbie Gillispie, Ginny Gunther, Sarita Lentz, Jean Ryan, and Kathie Truxall.
Call to Order
President, Helen Bell called the meeting to order at 12:45 p.m. Karen Luzuriaga, standing in for Chaplain Cindy Boyce shared an appropriate sentiment entitled, “Spring Equinox”, followed by repetition of our Garden Club Prayer and the Conservation Pledge.
Speaker: Helen Hamilton, "What a Plant Knows"

Darleen Nelson introduced our speaker, Helen Hamilton, who gave a power point presentation about “What a Plant Knows”, based on a book of the same title. Plants have cell structure, very similar to humans. They also have sensory perception and react to the senses of sight, smell, hearing, touch, plus memory and movement, just like people do. Helen had two books published recently for sale and signing.
Minutes of the February General Meeting, prepared by Kathie Truxall and approved by Patsy Sylvia and Helen Bell, were e-mailed to the members. The Treasurer’s Report for February, prepared by Treasurer, Debbie Boze, was also e-mailed. Debbie also requested dues for next year be paid at the April meeting, or mail them to P.O. Box 605, Reedville, VA 22539-0605. Make checks for $40 payable to CBGC.
Membership reported 3 guests (Sylvia Grabus, Cathy Ortiz, and Susan Titus) and 37 members present.
President’s Report
Helen thanked Carol Medlin for helping instruct members how to fill out the entry tag for horticulture in preparation for our Horticulture Specialty Flower Show, which will be open to the public on Saturday, May 18th, from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm, in the Transportation Museum Building at the Heathsville Tavern. Posters for advertising the show will be available at the April meeting for members to place in various locations on the Northern Neck. Members are also asked to submit pictures of their gardens to be used for posting at the show on the walls of the Transportation Museum Building. The more participation in the show, the more successful it will be. Helen is hoping for 100% participation!
Committee Reports
Nominating Committee - Chairman Debbie Boze, assisted by Elizabeth Cali and Debbie Gillispie, introduced the following slate of officers for the upcoming two year term (2019-2021): Kathie Truxall, President; Wonda Allain, First Vice President; Helen Bell, Second Vice President; Sharon Lemke, Recording Secretary; Sue Moore, Assistant Recording Secretary; Debbie Boze, Treasurer; Sandra Ehlert, Assistant Treasurer; and Anne Haynie, Corresponding Secretary. Election of officers will take place at the April General Meeting, and installation of officers will be held at the luncheon on June 12th.
Hospitality Committee - Susan Brandli announced sheets were being circulated for signing up to serve as a hostess/provide food at next year’s meetings. Such duty is one of the membership requirements.
Birds & Butterflies Committee - Susan Brandli also announced sheets were being circulated to sign up for monitoring the six blue bird houses located on each of two trails– one behind the new Courthouse in Heathsville and the other at Ace Hardware in Lottsburg. This activity will continue through this spring and summer.

Awards - Patsy Sylvia announced the following awards received at the Piedmont District Meeting on March 18th: Orange Rosette (the top award) for the Club Yearbook to Sandra Ehlert; Blue Ribbon for Historic Preservation to Helen Bell; Blue Ribbon for Youth Horticulture Education (Ready, Set, Grow) to Linda Hixon; Blue Ribbon for “The Saved Seed” Education Program to Linda Hixon; Blue Ribbon for Social Media Website to Dodie Douglas and Vicky Bowen; plus $80 cash awards. These were awarded in the large club category (over 60 members). Our Press Book will be judged on the National Level which will be announced at the National Garden Club Annual Convention in Beloxi, MS from April 29 - May 2, 2019.
Scrapbook - Debbie Gwaltney announced that Roz Messing will complete the Scrapbook for this year. She also explained that we will be changing our site for posting pictures of club activities and events from Shutterfly to Flickr. Instruction sheets for downloading pictures from the site and uploading pictures to the dropbox were provided for all members at each table. Debbie also will provide individual instruction after today’s meeting upon request.
Civic Development - Linda Hixon announced the beginning of Ready, Set, Grow activities at Northumberland Elementary School will be Friday, April 12th beginning at 11:15 am. There are 5 First Grade classes and she needs 3 people to work in each classroom.
Horticulture - Rebecca Elston reported today’s horticulture awards: Sharon Lemke - 2 blue; Nancy Stogowski: 5 blue, 2 red; Patsy Sylvia: 1 blue; Debbie Gwaltney: 4 blue, 2 red; Rebecca Elston: 4 blue, 1 red; Debbie Boze: 1 blue; Bobby Brogden: 4 blue, 2 red; Linda Hixon: 2 blue; Kathie Truxall: 1 blue; Carol Medlin: 7 blue, 1 red; Sharon Stieber: 4 blue, 2 red; Darleen Nelson: 3 blue, 1 red; Sarita Lentz: 2 blue, 1red; Alice Stieve: 2 blue, 1 red; Carol Henderson: 3 blue, 1 red; Sue Moore: 4 blue, 2 red; Pam Plumb: 1 red; Mary Frazer: 4 blue; Gail Pond: 1 red; Tricia Myrzglod: 1 red; Helen Bell: 8 blue, 5 red and Best in Show. There were 88 entries from 21 members.

Floral Exhibits - Sharon Stieber reported the awards for today’s Artistic Craft of a decorated tree, incorporating birds: Novice - Debbie Gwaltney, red; Linda Hixon, red; Helen Bell, red; Intermediate - Darleen Nelson, blue; Advanced - Carol Cole, red; Rebecca Elston, red; Jerry Jenkins, blue; Patsy Sylvia, blue; Sharon Stieber, blue and Best in Show. Sharon also reported the following members will participate in the Art & Flower Exhibit at Rappahannock Art League in Kilmarnock, on April 5th & 6th : Carol Medlin, Patsy Sylvia, Kathie Truxall, and Sharon Stieber.

Each Committee Chairman gave a brief description of their committee work to help explain the requirements of their committee to the membership, so you will be better prepared to respond when asked to participate in committee work in the coming year.