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CBGC General Meeting - Jan 2020


14 February 2020

Hostess Team

Lunch was served at 12:00 PM. Debbie Boze served as head hostess supported by Jacqui Penney, Carol Medlin, Sharon Lemke, Debbie Gwaltney, Linda Hixon, and Darlene Nelson.

Call to Order

President Kathy Truxall called the meeting to order at 1:00 PM. Our chaplain, Cindy Boyce, led the group in devotional thoughts.

Old Business

The Treasurer's report for November and December 2019 was posted and can be found in the Members Area of the website. Corresponding Secretary Anne Haynie reported that she sent a thank you note to Susan Reed for her donation of garden books to our club. She also read a thank you note from Jane Peterson's daughter, Isabel Silvers, for the club's thoughts of support at the loss of her mother.

Committee Reports

Membership - Sandra Ehlert reported 36 members in attendance the meeting along with four guests. Our membership is now 50 after the recent loss of Jane Peterson.

Birds, Butterflies, & Bees - Susan Brandli reminded members of the Great Backyard Bird Count that will be held February 17-20. You can go to to get more information on this event. There will be a waterfowl bird count done on Feb 8-9 along the Potomac River and its tributaries.

Conservation / Recycling - Alice Stieve reported on ongoing efforts in the Northern Neck concerning recycling and anti-littering. The next Hazardous Waste collection will be held on May 2 in Northumberland County. Lancaster County won’t have a hazardous waste collection until Oct 2020.

Richmond County was the most active in combating the littering problem. Efforts included a mass cleanup with numerous civic groups participating and actively catching litter violators with cameras at certain locations. A grant was received to plan an Outreach program to educate children on this issue. Alice suggested we present the litter issue at a Northumberland Board of Supervisors meeting. The next meeting is February 13 at 5:30 P.M. at the county courthouse.

Floral Design - Darleen Nelson presented awards to six beautiful and creative advanced designs of the designer's choice and theme of "Winter Wonderland". Sharon Lemke earned a Blue and Best in Show.

Ribbons were awarded to --

Advanced: Carol Cole, Blue; Rebecca Elston, Blue; Jerry Jenkins, Red; Carol Medlin, Red; Sharon Lemke, Blue and Best in Show; Red; Kathie Truxall, Blue.

Horticulture - Rebecca Elston presented awards to seven participants. Alice Stieve earned a Blue and Best in Show.

Ribbons were awarded to --

Wonda Allain - 3 Blue, 1 Red; Rebecca Elston - 2 Blue, 1 Red; Debbie Gwaltney - 2 Blue; Anne Haynie - 5 Blue; Jerry Jenkins - 1 Blue; Alice Stieve - 3 Blue and Best in Show; Nancy Stogowski - 1 Blue.

President's Report

Kathie Truxall thanked all who participated in decorating the homes featured by the Reedville Fishermans Museum holiday event, Christmas on Cockrell's Creek.

The club's Longwood Garden trip in June requires participation by a minimum of 30 people, and is still short by five participants. Guests are welcomed and other garden clubs in the area will be solicited for interest and participation.

The Rappahannock Art League (RAL) is sponsoring another art and floral design design event on April 3-4. Our club has been asked to participate making floral designs to interpret works of art.

Speaker: Art Chadwick, "All About Orchids"

Rebecca Elston introduced guest speaker Art Chadwick of Chadwick & Son Orchids, Inc. Mr. Chadwick and his father operate 11 greenhouses in rural Powhatan county, a retail store in Richmond, and board over 13,000 orchids for local clients.

Mr. Chadwick presented detailed information on the five types of orchids and how to care for them. He brought from his nursery examples of each type of orchid for display and discussion.

The meeting adjourned at 2:20 PM.

Article contributors include Sharon Lemke. Photos by Debbie Gwaltney.


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