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Apr 2021 - CBGC General Meeting


27 April 2021

Call to Order

The Chesapeake Bay Garden Club had its first "real" meeting with program speaker since Covid on Tuesday, April 27th. Our President, Kathie Truxall, called the meeting to order at 1 p.m. and Chaplain Cindy Boyce led with devotional thoughts and prayers.

Program: Hydroponic Home Gardening by Bonnie Schaschek

Rebecca Elston introduced our speaker, Bonnie Schaschek, who presented a power point program on Hydroponic Gardening. Bonnie provided an overview of a gardening technique that replaces soil with a nutrient-based solution through the circulation of water to nourish the roots of plants. She reviewed the types of systems that can be used and the components that are needed to make this type of gardening a success. Bonnie relocated to the Northern Neck from New Jersey in 2003, and is a Northern Neck Master Gardener and member of the Rappahannock Garden Club.

Old Business

Business Meeting - The minutes of the March 23 general meeting were emailed to all members on March 30, 2021. The Treasurer’s report can be accesses on our website from the “Members Area” page.

Corresponding Secretary - Anne Haynie reported that she sent a “welcome new member” note to Joanne Gills, a sympathy card to the family of Pat Brownell (past CBGC member from 2004-2014), and thinking of you cards to Karen Luzuriaga and Jan Shriver.

Committee Reports

Hospitality - Sue Moore reported that our June luncheon date has been changed to June 22 at the Indian Creek Yacht & Country Club. The cost is $22. If you are planning to attend, please contact Sharon Stieber as soon as possible.

Landscape Design - Debbie Gillespie announced a successful garden cleanup at the RFM on March 27. About 14 members participated in the event which took about 3 hours. Debbie and her husband did some additional mulching with pine straw at the Walker House and Covington Garden at the RFM.

Ways and Means - Jacqui Penney thanked members for their participation in our successful plant sale at the Farmer’s Market on April 17. Details of the sales result can be found in the meeting minutes and financial report.

Flower Show - Darleen Nelson, Flower Show Chairman, announced that some design categories have not been filled. Members should let Darleen know their intent to participate as soon as possible. Setup for the show will begin on Wednesday, May 12 at 1 P.M at the Tavern Meeting Building in Heathsville. Exhibits are to be brought in on Thursday, May 13 between 1 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. Judging will take place Friday, May 13. Members are reminded to look at their flower show schedule for the times to bring in their exhibits and remove them after the show.

Rebecca Elston stated that anyone planning to bring in a potted plant for the show needs to notify Jean Ryan before hand.

New Business

Sharon Lemke, chair of the Nominating Committee announced the slate of officers for 2021-2023. They are as follows:

President, Sharon Lemke;

1st Vice President, Sharon Stieber;

2nd Vice President, Debbie Boze;

Secretary, Tricia Mrzyglod;

Assistant Secretary, Anne Haynie;

Treasurer, Pam Plumb;

Assistant Treasurer, Jacqui Konzelman;

Corresponding Secretary, Debbie Gwaltney.

There being no other nominations from the floor, a motion was made and seconded to accept the nominations as presented. The motion carried.


Members were eager to display the fruits of their gardens for the first time in a year.

President's Report

Kathie reported that Longwood Gardens does not plan to have guided tours for the remainder of this year. They suggested delaying group visits to the gardens until 2022.

With no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:40 p.m.

Article contributed by Sharon Lemke. Photos by Debbie Gwaltney.


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