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2022 Sep - CBGC General Meeting, RFM Shoreline


Updated: Jan 10, 2023

7 October 2022

Opening Luncheon

The Chesapeake Bay Garden Club (CBGC) held its first meeting for the new year on Tuesday, September 27th. The meeting was held at the Bethany United Methodist Church (UMC) in Reedville since the usual location, Festival Halle is undergoing renovation. Bethany UMC will be the new meeting place until the renovations are completed.

The meeting began at 12.00 with lunch and handing out the new club year books. Members brought their own lunch, but drinks and desserts were provided by members of the club. Carol Cole and Elizabeth Cali were the hostesses, and Karen Luzuriaga, Vicky Bowen, Elizabeth Cali, and Cindy Boyce provided the desserts. It was fun getting together again.


Sharon Lemke called the meeting to order and reported that Bethany United Methodist Church would be our new meeting place since Festival Halle is being renovated. The club will continue to store our supplies there for the near future.

Commitee Reports

Membership - In attendance were 34 members and two guests, Robin England and Susanne Edam. Susan Meyer is a new member to CBGC. We have 47 members.

Hospitality - Carol Cole reported that 26 members are signed up for our Holiday Luncheon.

Civic Development/Youth Projects - Joanne Gills reported that CBGC will be providing "The Saved Seed" to 1st graders on October 27th. She will need about 15 volunteers.


Rebecca Elston presented award ribbons for 23 horticulture specimens submitted by 5 members:

  • Anne Haynie - 3 blue

  • Rebecca Elston - 5 blue, 1 red, 1 yellow

  • Wonda Allain - 5 blue, 3 red (Best in Show)

  • Pam VanScoy - 2 blue

  • Sharon Steiber - 2 blue, 1 red

Floral Design

Kathie Truxall presented award ribbons for the mono-botanic design exhibits themed "A Family of Friends:"

  • Carol Cole – blue

  • Rebecca Elston – blue

  • Linda Hixon - blue

  • Jerry Jenkins – blue

  • Sharon Lemke – blue

  • Sharon Stieber – blue and best in show

  • Kathie Truxall - red

Kathie reported that CBGC provided floral designs for the Garfield’s Rescue fundraising event on September 22nd. Susan Brandli, Rebecca Elston, Sharon Lemke, Sharon Stieber, Jerry Jenkins, and Kathie Truxall participated in this event.

Program: "Reedville Garden - A Living Shoreline"

The program was presented by Sue Linsey, a Northern Neck Extension Master Gardener (NNEMG) and long time member of the organization's Shoreline Evaluation Committee. Sue participated in the design and planting of the "living shoreline", also called a riparian buffer, located along Cockrell's Creek behind the Reedville Fishermen’s Museum (RFM) and Bethany United Methodist Church (UMC). Sue provided the history of the shoreline into the present day. For many years, the shoreline was being destroyed by water run-off, trash, and mowing too close to the water. RFM, the church, and NNEMG began to work on the shoreline in 2005. Through research and education, grants, and a lot of hard work, the shoreline was cleaned up, replanted and turned into a shoreline demonstration garden. Native and shoreline appropriate plants were used and garden maintenance is performed by NNEMG members.

After a slide presentation, Sue took the garden club members into the garden for a tour. She described how the garden has changed over time and adapted. A directory of plants found in the RFM living shoreline demonstration garden can be found at this link and on the Additional Resources web page on the website

Upcoming Activities

A trip to the Norfolk Botanical Garden is planned for October 25th.

The Piedmont District Fall Meeting is October 17th at the Doubletree Hilton, Richmond. The program is by Francis Thrash and Kathy Ward on traditional vs. creative design.

The May 20, 2023 Flower Show will be chaired by Kathie Truxall.

Article contributers: Karen Luzuriaza, Tricia Mrzyglod and Vicky Bowen. Photos by Vicky Bowen.


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