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Our Projects

Our Community Beautification, Education and Conservation Projects Include:

  • Floral Design

  • Horticulture

  • Landscape Design

  • Civic Development & Youth Education

  • Birds, Butterfies & Bees

  • Conservation/Recycling

  • Preserving History on the Northern Neck


Floral Exhibits

Chair:  Kathie Truxall
  • Members create themed floral arrangements for juried exhibit and member appreciation at each monthly meeting

  • Members supply floral arrangements for community events upon request

  • Experienced designers offer workshops to help members grow in their floral design knowledge

  • Decorate homes for the annual Christmas house tour sponsored by the nonprofit Fishermen's Museum in Reedville, promoting togetherness and involvement in our Northern Neck community

All members are encouraged to participate in floral design activities at monthly meetings and special events. 



Chair:  Anne Haynie
  • Experienced horticulturalists offer refreshers on how to exhibit horticulture specimens

  • Members share their overstock of plants, seeds, seedlings, bulbs, etc., to increase horticultural knowledge and minimize expense

  • Learn or expand our knowledge in the "Art of Gardening" 

All members are encouraged to participate in horticultural activities at monthly meetings and special events. 

Landscape Design

Jane Clark Garden

The Jane Clark Garden located on the side of Festival Halle is dedicated to our former club member.

Members increase their knowledge by maintaining community gardens for all to enjoy.

Reedville Fishermen's Museum Complex

The gardens surrounding the Walker House front and side entrances include the Miss Francis Biddlecomb garden, an herb garden, a shade garden, and seasonal color garden.  The gardens at Festival Halle include the Jane Clark garden and the gardens on the front lawn.


Civic Development &

​Youth Education

Chair:  Joanne Gills

Instill a love of nature and gardening in our youngest citizens.


Provide hands-on workshops that coincide with school curriculums:

  • Ready, Set, Grow! - Seed planting and plant development

  • The Saved Seed  -  Harvesting seeds from pumpkins and planting them in the garden.

  • Maintaining school gardens

  • The Frightened Frog  -  Experience tadpoles and discuss how children can help protect, preserve, and support frog and amphibian habitats in their own backyards

2019-Tricia's Bee Feeder-1-edit.jpg


Chair:  Alice Stieve, Vivian Basl

Promote friendly habitats for our fragile, native wildlife.

  • April - August, monitor and maintain two bluebird trails in Northumberland County

  • Support the Great Backyard Bird Count (North American migratory bird study) in conjuction with the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology and the National Audubon society


Chair:  Alice Stieve

Promote conservation and recycling to preserve our community's beauty

  • Work with community organizations to address and help alleviate the litter issue in the Northern Neck.

  • Disseminate and clarify the latest recycling rules to our members, family and friends

  • Important Waste / Recycling links:

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