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Floral Design Information

All members are encouraged to enter Horticulture and Floral Exhibits at general meetings. All exhibits must be ENTERED, REGISTERED, and IN PLACE by 11:00 AM. Exhibits not in place by 11:00 AM will be placed on the display table and will not be judged.
Design Themes for 2023-2024

Class I design themes are listed below. Class II designs are any other design type described in the "2017 Handbook for Flower Shows​."

October 24 - What Can Light Do?

Class I - Luminary Design - A creative design using either fresh or dried plant material and incorporating lights for special effects as an integral part of the design.

January 23 - Theme: How Do We Cook With Herbs?

Class I - Panel Design - A creative design of fresh and/or dried plant material, using a structural panel as an integral part of the design.

February 27 - Theme: Showcase of Daffodils

Class I - Featured Plant Material Design - A creative line design with an emphasis on daffodils.

March 26 - Theme: What Do State Parks Provide

Class I - Parallel Design - A design consisting of three or more groupings of fresh and/or dried plant material and optional components, with a strong parallel placement in a single base.

April 23 - Theme: "Shell" We Wear It?

Class I - Botanic Arts Artistic Craft - A necklace incorporating oyster shells. Plant material may be manipulated. Non-plant material may be used for construction but must not show. The necklace must be ready to wear with fasteners, clasps, etc.

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Exhibiting Floral Designs

See the "2017 Handbook for Flower Shows," Chapter 7, Design, pages 63-83, for detailed information.

A summary of the yearbook information can be found at the following links: (or pages 21-24 of the "2022-2023 CBGC Yearbook")


Flower Show School

Flower Show School is for prospective flower exhibitors and judges, as well as for garden club members and anyone interested in flower design.​ It is a series of four courses covering the principles of floral design and fundamentals of plant life.

Find information about the latest course offerings in Virginia on the Virginia Federation of Garden Clubs website.  See the National Garden Clubs' website for detailed information about the curriculum and out of state course schedules.

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