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Awards Acknowledge Our Effort and Passion

Awards acknowledge members work to help their communities, educate youth on the importance of gardening and horticulture, and grow their clubs membership. Awards are given at the national, state, district and club levels.

National Garden Clubs grows leaders that strive to fulfill its mission and share its vision for a more beautiful tomorrow.

Frances C. Biddlecom Spirit Awards

An award presented annually in recognition of a club member's outstanding service. The award epitomizes Spirit, Grace, Beauty, and Wisdom that was exemplified by the life of past President Frances C. Biddlecomb.

Members who have received this award are: 

1999  Jane Clark                     2006  Wonda Allain                 2013  Sharon Lemke               2021 Karen Luzuriaga

2000  Patsy Sylvia                    2007  Carolyn Ball                   2014  A.C. Davis                      2022 Debbie Gwaltney

2001  Barbara Shultz               2008  Rebecca Elston             2015  Roz Messing                  2023 Kathie Truxall

2002  Katherine Jones            2009  Audrey Brainard            2016  Bobby Brogden            2024 Carol Cole

2003  Joan Clements              2010  Sandra Ehlert                2017  Lorraine VanWickler       

2004  Wanda Boley                 2011  Liz Campbell                 2019  Susan Brandli 

2005  Barbara Yinger              2012  Dody Douglas               2020  Debbie Boze

VFGC Life Membership Awards

Judy Abenes

Wonda Allain

Janie Atkinson

Sylvia Baldwin

Carolyn Ball

Judy Becker

Helen Bell

Wanda Boley

C. J. Bonds

Angie Brack

Audrey Brainard

Susan Brandli

Bobby Brogden

Pat Brownell

Liz Campbell

Ethel Carpou

Susan Christopher

Joan Clements

Carol Cole

A.C. Davis

Dody Douglas

Sandra Ehlert

Rebecca Elston

Ruth Franck

Lien Groenwold

Barbara Groff

Susan Haugan

Tisha Hauser

Carol Henderson

Susan Hughes

Thelma Jensen

Maryalyce Johnsen

Carolyn King

Ellie Knight

Ann Kyker

Sharon Lemke

Deloris Lewis

Carol Medlin

Susan E. Moore

Moira Nalls

Liz Mesec

Patricia Mrzyglod

Jane Peterson

Elaine Price

Marge Rankin

Susan Read

Jean Ryan

Sandy Saxer

Carolyn Shaw

David and Janet Shriver

Barbara Shultz

Charlotte Spears

Janet Steelman

Nancy Stogowski

Helen Swift

Patsy Sylvia

Nancy Thomas

Lucille Tutt

Lorraine Van Wickler

Nancy Wagner

Veda Watts

Janet Westburg

Amy Wilson

Barbara Yinger

Debbie Boze


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